About Andrew
Rep. Andrew Kuzma is serving his second term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives focusing on fighting inflation, holding the line on taxes, promoting economic development, and strongly representing the 39th Legislative District.
Andrew serves on four House committees this legislative session: Game and Fisheries, Judiciary, Local Government and Professional Licensure.
A native of western Pennsylvania, Andrew is a graduate of Elizabeth Forward High School and the University of Pittsburgh. He earned a law degree from Duquesne University. Andrew practices in southwestern Pennsylvania focusing on real estate and elder law. He previously served for six years on the Elizabeth Township Board of Commissioners, where he created a K-9 unit, improved recreational facilities, demolished abandoned properties, and fixed infrastructure, while never increasing taxes.
In his spare time, Andrew enjoys gardening and fishing on the Youghiogheny River.
Andrew resides in Elizabeth Township with his wife, Hannah, a NICU nurse, and their daughters, Natalie and Sadie.
The 39th Legislative District includes:
Allegheny County:
Elizabeth Township
Elizabeth Borough
Forward Township
Jefferson Hills
West Elizabeth
Pleasant Hills
South Park
Washington County:
Carroll Township
Union Township
New Eagle
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